iPi Mocap Studio Release Notes
Here you can find history of recent versions of iPi Mocap Studio.
iPi Mocap Studio has built-in auto update functionality. Auto update feature is configured so that checks for update are made once per day. It helps to reduce the start time of the application. If you want to update ASAP — you can use the Help > Check for Update menu item.
Note that both of these features require Internet connection. Alternatively (in case of troubles with auto update), you can download and run the updated installation program from direct link.
- 1 ver.
- 2 ver.
- 3 ver.
- 4 ver.
- 5 ver.
- 6 ver.
- 7 ver.
- 8 ver.
- 9 ver.
- 10 ver.
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- 12 ver.
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- 38 ver.
- 39 ver.
- 40 ver.
- 41 ver.
- 42 ver.
- 43 ver.
- 44 ver.
- 45 ver.
- 46 ver.
- 47 ver.
- 48 ver.
- 49 ver.
- 50 ver.
- 51 ver.
- 52 ver.
N E W F E A T U R E S:
- AI-based Tracking with Auto-recover option feature added. It allows to automatically detect and fix tracking errors with the help of AI-based tracking.
B U G F I X E S:
- Rare AI-based tracking crashes in some cases.
- Fixed crashing on project closing when Pose Mismatch view mode is on.
- Project recording with Real-time Tracking for Live Preview could not open.
U N D E R T H E H O O D:
- AI pose interpolation/filters are only applied if AI attempted to apply in this frame.
N E W F E A T U R E S:
- Trajectory filtering for AI poses that improves overall AI-based Tracking quality.
- Interpolation of AI poses missed due to misdetections that improves overall AI-based Tracking quality.
U N D E R T H E H O O D:
- Improved algorithm for selecting correct bounding box for AI pose tracking that improves overall AI-based Tracking quality.
N E W F E A T U R E S:
- Detect Pose (AI) now sets head, feet poses and hands orientation if Track or Track (AI-Based) tracking option selected.
E N H A N C E M E N T S:
- Improved quality of Detect Pose (AI) for arms, legs and feet.
- Set realistic arm and leg twists in Detect Pose (AI) (formerly set zero twists).
- Ensure from enormous arm twists in jitter removal, Detect Pose (AI).
B U G F I X E S:
- Trajectory filtering was not applied after AI-based tracking.
- AI-based feet tracking sometimes returned invalid pose that led to crash.
- Rare crashes in trajectory filtering, jitter removal related to AI-based tracking.
U N D E R T H E H O O D:
- All passes and jitter removal now process the last frame of Region-of-Interest (last frame inclusive).
- Detect Pose (AI) re-applies the Dnn tracking to take into account the possible changes of actor settings and/or ground plane.
N E W F E A T U R E S:
- New tracking features that use modern AI toolkit from NVIDIA:
- New build-in target characters and motion transfer profiles for better compatibility with Unreal Engine 5:
- UE5 Manny
- UE5 Quinn
U N D E R T H E H O O D:
- Switching to FBX SDK 2020.2.1 for FBX files import/export
- Now Microsoft .Net Framework 4.8 is in use (was: 4.7.2)
B U G F I X E S:
- Fixed bug in Fast and Live tracking for multiple Azure Kinect depth sensors configuration.
E N H A N C E M E N T S:
- Improvements in UI for editing of motion transfer profile.
- Check that no duplicate targets used when updating a symmetric bone mapping.
- Update a symmetric bone when adding/removing a target bone.
- Enabled the "(Unused)" item in the combo list.
B U G F I X E S:
- Fixes in editing of motion transfer profile.
- Fixed crash when trying to select an already used target bone in the viewport.
- Fixed inability to map symmetric bone when it can't be assigned automatically.
- Fixed an error when reading swing/twist weights from an XML file.
N E W F E A T U R E S:
- Support for Unreal Engine's MetaHuman character in animation export and streaming.
- Motion transfer enhancements (see details).
- Allow for multiple target bones in character mapping.
- Allow for separate swing and twist rotation channels.
- Added built-in motion transfer profile for Daz Genesis 8 character.
- Using separate swing and twist rotation channels in UE4 Mannequin, Endorphin built-in motion transfer profiles.
B U G F I X E S:
- Fixed animation streaming to Unreal that didn't work over network.
E N H A N C E M E N T S:
- Speed of Jitter Removal algorithm substantially increased.
- Replaced Use fast tracking algorithm checkbox on Tracking tab with Tracking algorithm combobox.
B U G F I X E S:
- Fixed tracking issues that led to tracking errors in rare cases.
- Fixed animation streaming crash in case of network failures.
B U G F I X E S:
- Fixed an issue with playback of some iPiVideo files recorded with PS Eye cameras (black image).
N E W F E A T U R E S:
- Support for videos recorded in Portrait and Upside down orientations.
N E W F E A T U R E S:
B U G F I X E S:
- Fixed importing of target character from SMD file when bone names contain spaces.
N E W F E A T U R E S:
- Animation Streaming from iPi Mocap Studio to Unreal Engine. For details see Streaming to Unreal.
N E W F E A T U R E S:
- Added automation commands to control real-time tracking.
- Added automation commands to control streaming of animation to a network.
B U G F I X E S:
- Fixed app crash during long live sessions.
- Fixed app crash when iPiVideo contains corrupted MJPEG frames.
- Fixed improper work of load-target-character automation command with filePath argument.
N E W F E A T U R E S:
- Animation Streaming from iPi Mocap Studio to Unity. For details see Streaming to Unity.
- Foot tracking improved for depth sensors.
- Distance between two arbitrary cameras can be controlled in Calibration projects for multiple RGB cameras (see table under Scale slider on Calibration tab).
- Improvements in Real-time Tracking for Live Preview:
- Significant progress in accuracy and stability.
- High/Low resolution setting.
- On the fly trajectory filtering (smoothing) during Live Preview.
- Restoring Live settings from the last session.
- Better visibility of point cloud during Live Preview.
- Streaming to Unity is available for Live Preview. Thus, one can see real-time live feedback right inside Unity.
- Important! iPi Recorder 4.4.4 or later is required.
N E W F E A T U R E S:
- Support for videos recorded with Azure Kinect depth sensor.
U N D E R T H E H O O D:
- Improved rendering smoothness during live tracking.
- Minor improvement in the quality of board calibration.
N E W F E A T U R E S:
- Built-in support for Unreal Engine 4 - compatible characters:
- You can either import your character from FBX file in iPi Mocap Studio. If your character skeleton follows Unreal Mannequin structure and naming conventions, motion-transfer profile will be automatically generated. After that you just export animation in FBX format in iPi Mocap Studio and import it in Unreal Engine.
- Tip: This way is recommended because it works for all human-like characters regardless their proportions.
- Or you can just choose UE4 Mannequin item from top part of Target character drop-down menu on Export tab in iPi Mocap Studio, then you can export animation in FBX format and import result in Unreal Engine.
- Note: This way is usable only for characters with default Unreal Engine proportions.
- You can either import your character from FBX file in iPi Mocap Studio. If your character skeleton follows Unreal Mannequin structure and naming conventions, motion-transfer profile will be automatically generated. After that you just export animation in FBX format in iPi Mocap Studio and import it in Unreal Engine.
- Selection from compatible motion transfer profiles when importing target character.
- New features in Motion Transfer Profile:
- button to auto determine orientation of target character
- button to clear motion transfer profile
- slight redesign of controls layout
- improved tips
B U G F I X E S:
- Accuracy issue in Euler Angles math (near Gimbal Lock). Results in minor short-term jitter of exported animation in some rare cases.
- Incorrect animation export for FBX models which have non-zero pre/post translation transformations for model node(s).
- Losing info about gyro sensors when opening project without a video.
U N D E R T H E H O O D:
- Checking that primary GPU is not software emulation and is not Microsoft Basic Render Driver.
- Suppress adding to MRU list of target characters if animation was opened using Open Animation menu item.
N E W F E A T U R E S:
- Introduced Distribute rotation between Head and Neck setting for Motion Controllers.
- Support for Biomech export operations in Batch Processing.
N E W F E A T U R E S:
- Support for multiple depth sensors in Real-time Tracking for Live Preview. Can be used in combination with Distributed Recording.
B U G F I X E S:
- Twist angle over 180 degrees for hands, feet and head under certain condition.
- Minor bug fixes in Real-time Tracking for Live Preview.
U N D E R T H E H O O D:
- Based on users feedback, we turned off rotation distribution between head and neck joints when data from motion controller is applied to head. (This distribution was introduced in version
N E W F E A T U R E S:
- Using head and hand orientations set from motion controllers during Refine that allows to improve tracking in some cases.
B U G F I X E S:
- Crash in tracking after deletion of all animation within ROI.
- Occasional tracking failures if tracking is applied to new project without saving it.
- Occasional incorrect hands orientations after tracking or jitter removal if motion controllers data were applied.
U N D E R T H E H O O D:
- Better tracking of complex legs or arms poses in some cases.
N E W F E A T U R E S:
- Removing parasite limbs twists that may appear after Jitter Removal application.
B U G F I X E S:
- Removed Trajectory Filter slider from Live tab as this setting is not used during live tracking.
- Disable Auto adjust camera FOV option for calibration projects recorded with action cameras.
U N D E R T H E H O O D:
- Slightly increased accuracy of removing parasite limbs twists when limbs are nearly straight.
B U G F I X E S:
- Fixed hand joint rotation tool issues.
- Removed Jitter Removal dependence from Individual Body Parts Tracking options.
U N D E R T H E H O O D:
- Improved limbs tracking that removes parasite limbs twists when limbs are nearly straight.
- Increased accuracy of tracking algorithm in some cases due to use of improved joint limits.
N E W F E A T U R E S:
- Note: Supported in Basic and Pro editions.
- Individual body parts tracking for post-processing.
- Improved tracking with the use of motion controllers.
- Joint limits are taken into account when applying motion controllers data to avoid physically impossible joint orientations.
- Rotations are distributed between head and neck joints when tracking head.
U N D E R T H E H O O D:
- Improved background calculation for noisy depth sensors.
N E W F E A T U R E S:
- New calibration algorithm for depth sensors / light marker method.
- Higher speed.
- Slightly better accuracy.
- New/enhanced automation commands:
- get-actor-props; get-pose-mismatch; additional parameters for set-actor-props.
- recenter-coordinates-on-character; move-coordinate-system.
- export-video; videoFilePath parameter in open-project command.
- Added option to take .iPiVideo from project directory if .iPiVideo is not found.
- Allow fractional values for target FPS in Export Options dialog.
B U G F I X E S:
- Incorrect Biomech export for multiple actors; first actor exported correctly, other actors used bone lengths of first actor.
- Uneven shoulder height was set for some imported characters.
- Taking into account target character transform when exporting cameras.
U N D E R T H E H O O D:
- Auto adjust camera FOV is checked by default for calibration project (in case when all RGB cameras have the same model).
- FBX import: improved search for a root node.
N E W F E A T U R E S:
- Export Options dialog is now shown for any file format after a destination file is selected. Recenter coordinates on character and Export T-pose in the first frame options moved to this dialog (they affect exported animation only). Advanced motion transfer option is left on the Export tab (it affects both preview in program and exported animation), but moved up, just below Show target character option.
- Option for setting the frame rate of an exported animation is added to the Export Options dialog.
- Export of cameras is available for COLLADA format.
B U G F I X E S:
- Incorrect vertical positioning of built-in rigs for Motion Builder and 3ds Max.
- Incorrect positioning of skeleton when exporting with default rig in some situations.
- Values for selected bone were not displayed on the Pose tab (introduced in 3.6.0).
- App crash on project opening under certain circumstances.
- Motion transfer profile was not saved automatically after changing target character’s orientation.
B U G F I X E S:
- Applying data from motion controllers fails after saving a project.
- A number of bugs with Move Coordinate System tool:
- App crash
- Frames with default pose were transformed
- Visual glitches
B U G F I X E S:
- Exported animation always has default 30 FPS (introduced in v3.6.0.216).
- Changes in actor appearance are not applied to the target character.
B U G F I X E S:
- Crash of license activation during application start
N E W F E A T U R E S:
- New calibration algorithm for the light marker method.
- Vastly greater speed
- Slightly better accuracy
- Including cameras into exported animations in FBX format (optional).
- Vastly increased the speed of applying data from motion controllers.
- Automation add-on:
- Added useFastTrackingAlgorithm field to the arguments of set-tracking-props command and to the result of get-tracking-props command.
- Added markerColor field to the arguments of run-calibration command.
- Changed default value of autoDetectInitialCameraPositions field in create-project command to
B U G F I X E S:
- Biomech add-on: Unchecking Export RGB checkbox when there is no color data.
- Fixed app crash after opening project under certain conditions.
- Fixed displaying of warnings on the Calibration tab at improper moments.
- Task dialogs after animation/video export were modeless.
B U G F I X E S:
- Wrong scale in exported DMX animation (see forum message).
- Program crashed on importing character having same-named bones.
N E W F E A T U R E S:
- New fast tracking algorithm for depth sensors (BETA version). To use it, turn on Use fast tracking algorithm (BETA) checkbox on Tracking tab.
- Tracking speed increase is up to 2.5 times depending on particular hardware and tracking options.
- Available for single-actor projects, and single-GPU configurations.
- Improvements in animation export.
- New control on Export tab to rotate imported characters into proper orientation. This is useful for many popular characters, including standard Unreal Engine character.
- The motion is now correctly transferred to imported characters with separate Root bone and Hips/Pelvis bone. You can map hips motion either to Root or to Hips/Pelvis. This is useful for game engine characters, including standard Unity 3D Engine and Unreal Engine characters.
- Support for FBX format 7.5 (2016)
- Allow to select flashlight color for marker detection during calibration (useful in case of light background).
- Added finger bones to motion transfer profile for Valve characters in SMD and DMX formats.
- Added hints about GPUs to progress bar area during tracking.
- Showing dialog with common actions available for the exported file after animation export and video export operations.
B U G F I X E S:
- Program crashed in case of window resizing during video export.
- Program crashed on certain errors when opening target character and animations. Now errors are reported.
- Automation Add-on could hang in rare cases during events sending.
- Fixed GPU memory leaks on project open / close operations and during calibration.
U N D E R T H E H O O D:
- Improved automatic floor detection both for RGB cameras and depth sensors
- Replaced viewport repaint on every frame during tracking / refine / jitter removal to repaint by timer. May lead to slight speed increase on powerful GPUs.
- Improved tracking / refine / jitter removal speed calcualtion and changed formatting for speed values.
- Using FBX SDK 2017.1 for handling FBX files.
- Fixed speed degradation issue during calibration using board for depth projects.
- For multiple GPU configuration the old tracking algorithm is set to be used in case number of cameras is over 6. In most cases this is faster than using default tracking on single GPU.
B U G F I X E S:
- Import of target character crashed.
B U G F I X E S:
- Tracking worked incorrectly on Intel integrated graphics and some other weak video cards.
- Jitter removal / tracking hanged in rare cases.
- Incorrect pose visualized during tracking in the first frame of Region-of-Interest.
- Tracking crashed with exception Wait for frame ... failed in rare cases.
U N D E R T H E H O O D:
- Fixed GPU memory leaks.
N E W F E A T U R E S:
- Increased speed of tracking operations.
- Maximum speed increase (up to 3-4 times) is achieved at high-performance video cards for projects recorded with 1 or 2 Kinect sensors.
- For 4 or more Sony PS3 Eye cameras speed gain is lower and can reach 10 – 50% depending on particular tracking options and hardware configuration.
- For slow video cards speed increase is substantially lower.
- For projects recorded with many cameras tracking speed can even be lower compared to previous version on particular hardware configurations. You have the option to use the old tracking algorithm then (you can select this option in Advanced Tracking Settings section of the Tracking tab)
- For multiple GPU configuration the new algorithm will be used if number of cameras / sensors is not more than 4 (in this case only the primary GPU is used). In most cases this will still be faster than using multiple GPUs with the old tracking algorithm. For more than 4 cameras the old algorithm on multiple GPUs will be used, as a faster option.
B U G F I X E S:
- Jitter removal crashed on projects recorded with Kinect v1 containing RGB video information.
U N D E R T H E H O O D:
- Further improvement of responsiveness of user interface during jitter removal on computers with slow video cards.
N E W F E A T U R E S:
- Further increase of jitter removal speed. Improved algorithm is 10-20% faster compared to the previous release. Speed increase depends on particular hardware (GPU and CPU).
B U G F I X E S:
- Biomech Add-on free trial activation did not work.
- Periodic Auto-Save did not work in jitter removal. Now the project is saved every 30 seconds.
- Memory leaks in jitter removal.
- Crashed if timeline slider is clicked during jitter removal or tracking operation.
U N D E R T H E H O O D:
- Improved responsiveness of user interface during jitter removal on computers with slow video cards.
N E W F E A T U R E S:
- Increased speed of jitter removal. New algorithm is 3-7 times faster compared to the previous one. Speed increase depends on particular hardware (GPU and CPU).
- Trajectory filter is improved for noisy data.
B U G F I X E S:
- Tracking operations of multiple depth sensors projects failed with exception on some models of Nvidia cards using drivers 372.54, 372.70.
N E W F E A T U R E S:
- iPi Automation Add-on released.
This tool allows to control iPi Recorder and iPi Mocap Studio from external application by sending JSON commands via Windows dll. It can be used for:- Using iPi Recorder and iPi Mocap Studio as a part of a third-party solution;
- Automation of repeatable tasks;
- Automation of custom workflow.
B U G F I X E S:
- Jitter Removal failed on some models of video cards.
N E W F E A T U R E S:.
- Increased tracking quality for actors with adjusted proportions.
- Allow opening of a processed .iPiMotion file without video, for 3D data viewing.
- Hide Background option button / menu item for RGB video.
- Improved UI for light settings:
- Store light settings to scene file;
- Automatic loading of light settings from previous project when creating new project;
- Place Light to the Current Virtual Camera Position button added to Scene tab.
- No Auto-Play after project open.
- Calibration: UI enhancements for manual marking of ground points.
- Calibration: edit box for typing in camera height added.
- Control for manual alignment of coordinate system on the Scene tab.
- Biomech export: added lengths of body segments, eye positions.
- Support of Intel RealSense R200 sensor.
- Please be aware that R200 depth quality is lower compared to Kinect sensors so far, so tracking accuracy may deteriorate.
U N D E R T H E H O O D:
- Calibration: additional ground detection quality check.
N E W F E A T U R E S:
- Improved workflow with the use of Kinect 2 tracking data.
B U G F I X E S:
- Update target character pose after Refit Pose.
U N D E R T H E H O O D:
- Do not auto play on project opening or after importing a target character.
N E W F E A T U R E S:
- Improvements in pose editing tools:
- Highlighting selectable objects (e.g. bones) on mouse hover;
- Rendering tool controls in front of all objects for ease of use;
- Displaying highlighted bone’s name in the bottom-right (previously, only selected bone’s name was displayed).
- Improvements in editing of motion profiles:
- Ability to select target bones directly from target character’s skeleton in the scene;
- Highlighting target character’s bones when scrolling through combo boxes in Target Bone column;
- Automatic assignment of symmetric bones (left/right).
- Minor improvements in rendering of the scene.
B U G F I X E S:
- Compatibility of secondary GPUs is determined incorrectly.
- Application crashes when the Pose Mismatch view is activated on multiple GPUs.
- Initial length of ROI and Take 1 is defined improperly in projects created from records with non-standard frame rate (recorded after warning about low frame rate).
- Pose of target character is not updated when actor’s pose is manually edited while staying on the same frame.
N E W F E A T U R E S:
- Visual bone picker. Located in drop-down of the Select button in the top toolbar and on the Pose tab.
B U G F I X E S:
- Performance degradation when using multiple GPUs in certain configurations.
- Sound controls are missing in the bottom toolbar for projects with audio data.
- Calibration freezes under rare conditions.
- Application crash during calibration when applying to an action video by mistake in certain situations.
U N D E R T H E H O O D:
- Improved background subtraction for records made with Kinect 2 sensors to keep more details.
N E W F E A T U R E S:
- Improved color picture quality for PlayStation Eye cameras and Kinect v1 depth sensors.
- Dropped support for DirectX 10 video cards.
- Previously many core operations like tracking were already unavailable for such cards. Now program will not run at all.
B U G F I X E S:
- Incorrect marker detection during calibration on some records. Only AMD and Intel GPUs were affected.
- Incorrect character rendering on Intel HD4xxx series and above.
- This issue may still occur on prolonged running of application. In this case restarting the application helps.
U N D E R T H E H O O D:
- Some optimizations in usage of graphic resources.
- Correct installation of older version over newer one.
- Previously uninstallation was required.
N E W F E A T U R E S:
- Substantial speed-up of marker detection during the calibration. (Up to 3 times depending on hardware and settings).
B U G F I X E S:
- UI freezing when in the Pose Mismatch mode under certain conditions.
- Incorrect rendering of video frame on some video cards.
- Import of a target character with the same skeleton structure as the model in Mocap Studio results in error.
- Incorrect values displayed for occlusions percent in the calibration statistics.
N E W F E A T U R E S:
- Added settings for adjusting proportions of the actor's model:
- legs length;
- arms length;
- shoulders width;
- head size;
- feet size.
- Layout of the Actor tab has been changed slightly.
- Settings for adjusting the size of a light marker in calibration projects.
- Improved automatic evaluation of calibration quality for multiple depth sensors.
U N D E R T H E H O O D:
- Improved processing of program crashes.
N E W F E A T U R E S:
- Biomech Add-on: added point cloud export formats convenient for animators, including Krakatoa PRT, PLY, OBJ, Leika PTS.
N E W F E A T U R E S:
- New menu items View > Cameras and View > Source of Light allow to remove camera and source of light objects from 3D scene if needed.
B U G F I X E S:
- FBX import and export do not support national (non-ASCII) characters in file path.
- Projects with three actors are always created in .iPiLocked format even in Pro edition.
N E W F E A T U R E S:
- Basic and Free Trial editions now support up to six (6) color cameras like Sony PS3 Eye. In previous versions this limit was four (4).
- Pro edition now supports up to sixteen (16) color cameras like Sony PS3 Eye. In previous versions this limit was eight (8).
- Pro edition now supports up to four (4) depth sensors. In previous versions this limit was three (3).
- Pro edition now supports up to three (3) actors tracking. In previous versions this limit was two (2).
- Note: For three actors tracking it is highly recommended to use at least nine (9) color cameras like Sony PS3 Eye.
- Extended and Extreme calibration modes for complex cases.
- Bunch of minor improvements.
B U G F I X E S:
- In rare cases calibration results in upside down configuration.
- In rare cases Pause button is not clickable.
N E W F E A T U R E S:
- Improved progress indication for some operations - for example, video export and data export in Biomech addon. Removed progress indication in the scene (the spinning "wheel").
- Scaling the actor's model relative to the floor when adjusting its height.
B U G F I X E S:
- App crash during the calibration of dual Kinect 2 configuration using a board.
- App crash during the export of point cloud from Kinect 2.
- App crash when trying to remove an entry from the list of MRU hand poses.
N E W F E A T U R E S:
- Additional improvements in calibration procedure:
- flashlight marker detection becomes faster and more robust;
- calibration of multiple Kinect 2 sensors with the aid of flashlight is now supported;
- undo/redo is now fully functional for calibration projects;
- automatic detection of ground points is slightly improved to become more reliable in complex cases.
- Options for FBX export:
- FBX version;
- Binary/ASCII format.
- Manual ground height fine-tuning for action projects (Scene tab).
- Message about incompatible video card on execution of Tracking / Refine / Refit Pose if video card is not DirectX 11 capable.
- Reduced memory footprint.
B R E A K I N G C H A N G E S:
- Binary format of project files is slightly changed. This version can open projects saved by previous versions. But previous versions are unable to open projects saved by this version.
B U G F I X E S:
- Tracking overrides key frames for hands.
- Wrong position of video billboard for projects from depth sensors when alignment of color video to depth is switched off.
- FBX import/export doesn't work in rear cases: OS is Windows 7 64-bit, Service Pack 1 is not installed, CPU supports AVX instructions set (e.g. Intel Core i3/i5/i7 Haswell).
- Fatal error "NullReferenceException" during application start up in rear cases.
- Minor bugs in visibility of imported character's bones and opacity of imported character's skin.
N E W F E A T U R E S:
- Disabling tabs area and some keyboard shortcuts during processing to prevent unintentional interruption of operation.
B U G F I X E S:
- Crash on start on hardware configurations with high resolution display and 2 GB (or less) video card.
- Processing speed degradation on Windows 7.
- Rare false failure of integrity check in certain environments.
The first public release of iPi Mocap Studio 3. If you're user of iPi Studio 2.x or iPi Studio 1.x then please visit Migration to V3 from Older Versions article.
N E W F E A T U R E S:
- Support of new depth sensors: Kinect for Xbox One / Kinect 2 for Windows.
- Improved calibration:
- more reliable;
- faster;
- automatic ground detection;
- calibration quality feedback.
- Improved tracking for arms and legs.
- Redesigned user interface.
- Comprehensive progress indicators.
- Improved user interface for animation export and motion transfer.
- More accurate center of mass calculation.
- Tons of minor improvements and fixes.
B R E A K I N G C H A N G E S:
- New project file formats: .iPiVideo, .iPiCalib and .iPiLocked. V2 projects can be opened and stored to the new format.
U N D E R T H E H O O D:
- Migration to DirectX 11.
- Moving to Microsoft .Net 4.5.1 Platform.
- Using new installation and auto-update system instead of buggy ClickOnce technology.